Ariv for Admin and Operations Teams

Assistance for the office or work from home...

Whether it's support at the workplace or help for those who work from home. Facilities/Operations teams have a lot on their hands and the best thing to assist you in times like these is quick access to the information you need to assist the workspace. Irrespective of where the workforce is, their quick assistance makes all the difference between productive work and time wasted waiting. Ariv soaks up all the data you need so that you don't have to rely on mental notes or documents to assist the team. From help with processes to ensuring the workforce is assisted with the tools and technology they use, Ariv ensures no unnecessary breaks in productivity.

Safe workspace response from Ariv

Office like efficiency, remotely...

With the workforce scattered across and help further away from a shoulder tap, it’s key that your team stays on top of things. Ariv let’s you get started by simply uploading all the documents your team needs to support the workforce. From who to contact for what and the processes employees are supposed to adhere to, Ariv can help surface all of this without having to search for it or wait for a response. Whether its knowledge to help your team or a helping hand extended to the workforce Ariv has got you covered.

No requests slip through...

Ariv ensures that she keeps tabs of all the requests coming in so that you don’t have to. With notifications and time bound alerts for the queries that come in, your team is guaranteed a central location to monitor and address all the queries that come in. Ariv additionally assists your team with knowledge from your documents to help resolve these queries and put self service in motion to address those questions that don’t require team intervention.

Centralized support & Analytics...

Ariv ensures your team never has to leave MS Teams or Slack to resolve a query again. Everything from the queries being asked, the knowledge to assist them in resolving it and added analytics to keep tabs on the queries and the team’s performance at resolving them is maintained right within the platform. Stats on the number, type of queries and how these queries were resolved gives you the ability to make well informed decisions to aid in improving productivity and ensuring time is well used.

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